Sunday, July 22, 2007

Healthcare for Children, Latino music, beautiful day, ah?

I happened upon the NY Times editorial for this Sunday about Bushie's attempts to dismantle and diminish the Child Health Plus insurance made available to working class folks in this country. The Times rightfully notes that decreasing the funds will only make more CHILDREN be without health care, and as we already know, too many of these are poor and working class people of color. Why is Bushie so intent on taking away the little help that CHiP provides to parents who cannot afford the high cost of health insurance? He rather us pay out the wazoo health insurance premiums that are out of control. If anything, CHiP needs more money, and more coverage should be afforded to folks who might be without children, working at low-waged jobs. One of the things I can "thank" PA for is allowing me to at least apply for and be accepted to their health coverage for single poor adults, even if I did have to go on a waiting list for almost a year. I mean, it is totally ridiculous! Here is today's NY Times Editorial

I still haven't recovered from Rumba 104.5's move to the AM dial particularly since I cannot get the frequency at home which means I can only listen to grainy Latin music in my car radio-(damn that's messed up!) I've been trolling the Internet for Latino music-any music to satiate my need for a little Latin sound. I found a very good site called Onda Tropical which has reviews of funky music. I have also revisited my old music on Itunes and on CDs (which are gathering dust these days) and have rediscovered Marc Anthony, Celia Cruz, Daddy Yankee, Aterciopelados, Timbalada, and my other eclectic bunch from the Global South.

It's been quite gorgeous these days, which is bringing back memories of a couple of years ago when I was getting ready for the arrival of my little man. My ladyfriend/wife was so beautiful and glowing and round, and it was such a happy moment in my life. I adore my sweet boy, and I'm glad I didn't have to pop him out! His bday is coming up-I can't wait till he too becomes excited for his special day.

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